Wednesday, May 6, 2015

Webinar 16.2

Spoken Grammar and Its Role 
in the English Language Classroom
Dear students,

The Webinar 16.2 "Spoken Grammar and Its Role in the English Language Classroom" recording is attached on or you can directly click the link 
Good luck and have a nice webinar.

Unnes English Webinar,

Dr. Rudi Hartono, M.Pd.


  1. My name is Irfina Safitri. This is my e-mail address In the Webinar 16.2, I have learned about Spoken Grammar and its Role in the English Language Classroom. The topics of Webinar 16.2 are Spoken vs. Written English, what is Spoken Grammar, questions about Spoken Grammar, and activities for teaching spoken grammar. The summary of Webinar 16.1 are teaching spoken grammar to increase students’ spoken fluency, spoken grammar, or the “rules of spoken language”, includes Ellipsis, Heads, Tails, Fillers, Backchannels, and Phrasal Chunks, using authentic materials (such as videos and radio interviews) that include spoken grammar features, activities should raise students’ awareness of different features of spoken grammar, classroom activities must also encourage students to incorporate spoken grammar into their own conversations.

  2. My name is Anggun Laksmita Dewi. My email address is I learned about Spoken Grammar and its Role in the English Language Classroom from Webinar 16.2. The topics of the webinar are:
    1. Spoken vs. Written English
    2. What is Spoken Grammar?
    - 6 specific features
    3. Questions about Spoken Grammar
    4. Activities for Teaching Spoken Grammar
    It will be very useful for us as a college student of English education. It will guide us to teach better in grammar. It will give us more knowledge about grammar itself. It gives us the tips and tricks to make an interesting learning process about grammar. We will enjoy learning through this webinar.

  3. Hi, my name is Idaratus Sa’adah. My email address is
    From webinar 16.2...
    We have learn about the different of Spoken and Written English. It make me realize that we need to know more about them, because we sometime write English but it is like spoken english. In studying and lecturing we always learnt written grammar, but from webinar, we could learn and get knowledge of spoken grammar, that we never realized we always used it. And there are some activities that we can use to teach spoken grammar.

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  5. My name is Andina Putri Pratiwi. My email address is
    From Webinar 16.2 I learned about Spoken Grammar and Its Role in the Engliah Language Classroom. The webinar presents about the difference between spoken and written English, 6 specific features in spoken English as well as the examples, and some kinds activities for teaching spoken grammar. It is very useful for us as a future teacher, because we know how to teach spoken English to the students well. In the teaching, we don’t depend on the textbook, which is although it talks about spoken English, but the book presents it in written way. This webinar also presents some kinds activities for teaching spoken grammar. I get new knowledge about how to teach spoken grammar from the activities presented. I think the activities are interesting so that it can encourage and motivate the students to learn.

  6. My name is Gigih Rizqi Adhi. My email address is
    To be honest, the webinar is long enough as a lecturing session, but it gives me the knowledge about 'Spoken Grammar' actually without any being at the bush. Mrs. Amanda explained it clearly and she also gave some examples about it. That is incredibly cool.
    The topics in Webinar 16.2 are talking about spoken vs. written English, the spoken grammar, questions about spoken grammar, and activities for teaching spoken grammar.
    I really appreciate and like the materials. It sounds interesting for me to gain the knowledge about grammar because the speaker was not only just giving the daily conversation examples but also some games to attract the audience's attention.
    She focused on explaining the ellipsis, the head, the tail, the filler, the backchannel, the phrasal chunk.
    Ultimately, all students over the world should watch this awesome Webinar to enrich their knowledge about English. It is very useful for those who are in English Department.

  7. My name is Reni Pamuji and my email address is
    The second topic of the webinar is about spoken grammar (16.2 spoken grammar). The topic really help me to improve my understanding about grammar especially in spoken form. The first discussion was about how written and spoken differ each other. After that, it discussed about what is the spoken grammar and the spoken grammar contains 6 specific features: ellipsis, heads, tails, fillers, backchannels, and phrasal chunks. We as teacher in the future must teach our students spoken grammar because it can help them increasing their spoken fluency and communicative abilities. The materials for teaching spoken grammar must be authentic because it is not covered well in textbooks. The suggested source are: Radio Interviews, Talk Shows, and Online Videos.

  8. My name is Tungga Pramudya Utama, my email address is Here, in webinar 6.2 class, I learned so many things especially in spoken grammar and its role in the english language classroom, and the focus is about spoken and written english. Things I learned is to different formal and and informal degree of spoken english and written english. The other is the differences between spoken english and written english. Moreover, we can learn what is that, and how to use that. Thank you.

  9. My name is Shofyatul Fuadiyah, my email address is
    The second webinar 16.2 explained about Spoken Grammar and its Role in the English Language Classroom. This topic is very useful for me as a student of the English education study program that can help me to improve my ability in teaching spoken grammar to my students. We can say that speaking is an activity that quiet difficult to be practiced for students even ourselves. Because speaking is Spontaneous, unplanned, produced in Real-Time, no opportunity for editing, occurs face-to-face, interactive with immediate feedback from listener, and temporary. So, why we should teach spoken grammar is to help students cope with processing information and communicating in real-time, perform important interactive, social, and communicative functions, increase students’ spoken fluency and communicative abilities. The authentic materials to teach spoken grammar is helpful students to speak as natural as possible, so they use the natural expression of the native English speakers. From this topic I can get the explanation not only about 6 specific features of spoken grammar : ellipsis, heads, tails, fillers, back channels, and phrasal chunks but the examples of the teaching activity of spoken grammar.

  10. My name is Amalia Mahmudah and my e-mail address is From this second Webinar, I learn about spoken grammar and its role in the English language classroom. I also learn why it is important for teachers to teach spoken grammar for the students. It discusses spoken and written English, spoken grammar and its specific features, questions about spoken grammar, as well as activities for teaching spoken grammar. I think this is very useful for me since it shows the classroom activities I can use to teach spoken grammar that may encourage students to incorporate spoken grammar into their own conversations and some examples of the exercises deal with the topic. Thus, this Webinar gives me new ideas about teaching spoken grammar and clear ways how to do it.

  11. I'm Nurul Khasanah and my email address is I think the webinar section 16.2 is fascinating. Considering English is EFL for us, so it is not only helpful for whoever wants to be a teacher in the future but also whoever applies English. This section reminds us a lot about spoken grammar in conversation that in fact, is different to writing grammar. It talks more about specific features in spoken grammar such as head and tails, fillers, phrasal chunks and etc, which inspires us to be more communicative in speaking without leaving the proper grammar. My favourite part in this section is backchannel because it helps us to understand whether or not people we are talking to -- understand, be interested or listen to what we are talking about.

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  13. My name is Windi Cucu Soflanen 2201412043, my email address is From learning on webinar, I can get many things, like learning about spoken grammar and the role in English language classroom. I also know the difference between written and spoken English. Usually I just learn about written grammar in English in my other course, but from this webinar, I can know about spoken grammar in English. I think is is useful for me, especially for future teachers, because it can teach us how to speak to our students in spoken grammar well. I'm grateful for getting these new things for my English.

  14. Muhammad Salafudin (

    The second webinar was interesting. It talked about "Spoken Grammar". It was said that Grammar is“the rules of language While Spoken Grammar is “the rules of speaking”
    It is useful for us to know the rule of how to speak formally and less-formally. As English teacher in the future, we have to know how to speak correctly in front of the class.
    It is a good knowledge to be shared

  15. My name is Ahmad Zunas Setyoaji and my email is .
    This is second class of webinar that I follow. It is about the spoken grammar. I learned many things about the difference of spoken and written grammar and also the usage of spoken grammar in the formal or less-formal situational context. The grammar that we use in spoken should be different with the written one. In this class I got the lesson of how to choose the right grammar in the right context. There is also the styles of spoken grammar that we can use in difference situation whether it is formal or less-formal.
    After following the lesson, I have new point of view that in using grammar we should consider the context whether it is written/spoken context or formal or less-formal context.

  16. My name is Desy Pergerina from ICT 201. My email address is After following this second webinar I have learned about spoken grammar and its role in the English language classroom. It presents about the difference between spoken and written English, 6 specific features in spoken English as well as the examples, and some kinds activities for teaching spoken grammar. As would be teachers it is important to encourage students to speak well and this shows the classroom activities we can use to support it. From this webinar I also learned that in written or spoken and in formal or less formal grammar we have to consider the context.

  17. I am Suci Herawati, my email adress is this is my second time in this webinar class. Here in the webinar 16.2 I got a new knowledge about Spoken and Written English. In Spoken and Written English there are less formal and more formal. In Written English it sometimes planned (written in stages),
    Prepared in advance( over a long period of time),Chance to revise and edit, Writing is often solitary( without immediate feedback from readers), permanent.And for Spoken English there are Spontaneous (unplanned), Produced in Real-Time, No opportunity for editing, occurs face-to-face, interactive with immediate feedback from listener, temporary. In using language, we have to consider about context and content

  18. My name is Yosia Puri S. my email address in the second webinar, I have learnt about spoken and written grammar. Before this webinar, I just learn about the written grammar, but now, I could recognize the formal and informal grammar in spoken language. It's very useful for me, although i am not an education student, I realize as a English student, I must be speaking in a good way, and in a proper way.

  19. Evita Rosadi (
    Webinar 16.2, it is about spoken grammar and its role in the English language classroom. After watched it, I learned about the difference of spoken and written grammar and also the characteristic such as ellipsis, head, tail, filler, backchannel and phrasal chunk. The material also gave us some examples of activity and games to teach spoken grammar. The video shown also gave us the example of spoken grammar on a real conversation. It is very useful for us as teacher candidates. It will guide us use and teach better grammar to the students. After all, this webinar is very interesting and useful for me. Thank you.

  20. a really big thanks for webinar that has given some new things for me. from the 16.1 about listening and 16.2 about spoken grammar in classroom practice. both of them provides important knowledge that will be useful for us as future teacher.
    in webinar 16.2, it provides some clear explanation about spoken English and written English. and also the differences between them. in each explanation it is also followed by the example.
    it also explains about ellipses,heads, and tails that we usually find in spoken English.
    there is some excercises too that can be used to check our understanding the material.
    webinar is really good and useful to be followed.

  21. My name is Ulul Muna Fitriana and my Email is This webinar 16.2 talked about Spoken Grammar and Its Role in the English Language Classroom. Those material especially on using spoken and written grammar. Those method so helpful for us as a future teacher. As we know this webinar class has been presented by professional teacher. Some way use a textbook to make a students speak more fluently. This material also difference between informal and formal language.
    This webinar is really perfect to be followed by teacher.

  22. My name is Irma Damayanti. My email address is Webinar 16.2 is talking about Spoken Grammar and its Role in the English Language Classroom. I think it is very useful for me as the future teacher, I have been seeing the difference of spoken and written English language. Spoken grammar has special characteristic, it has features like “ uh”, “uhm”,” hmm” and the like. It means that spoken grammar consists of the features of language that allow speakers to communicate in real-time, face-to-face situations. This webinar also gives me tips in teaching grammar which is a new thing for me, it is very useful. Thank you.

  23. My name is Rindi Mustika and my email address is
    I think the webinar section 16.2 is interesting. Since English acts as the foreign language in our country, so it is very helpful for everyone who wants to be a teacher in but also whoever study or interested in English language. The second session talks about spoken grammar in conversation that of course is different from written grammar. It talks more about specific features in spoken grammar such as phrasal chunks, head and tails, fillers and etc, which inspires us to be more communicative in speaking without leaving the proper grammar. I think this session is very helpful for us to understand to the topic we are talking about in daily or formal conversation.

  24. My name is Izhaty Chairina Devi, this is my email adress
    The next discussion in webinar 16.2 is about spoken grammar. From this session, I get more knowledge about spoken grammar and also how to teach spoken grammar correctly to my students. There are some fun activities in learning spoken grammar that is very useful for teacher candidate to practice it in class. I like the material because the webinar present it clearly, so we can easily to understand the material. Thank you

  25. My name is Arianti Nurlita Wardani ( In this section of the second Webinar, it talked about spoken grammar. I think it was very interesting since it was really helpful for us as teacher candidate to speak correctly. It also explained about the differences between spoken and written grammar. There were also some beneficial things that I got from this session such as how to teaching both kinds of grammar.

  26. My name is Andika Saputri Puji Premanasari. My email address is . The topic of webinar section 16.2 is about spoken grammar and its role in the English language classroom. I think that this topic really helps everyone who has a weakness in grammar or spoken grammar. In this section, there shows the differences between spoken and written grammar, the specific features of spoken grammar, and also activities for teaching spoken grammar. It is very good reference for studying spoken grammar. Thank you.

  27. My name is Novita Dwi Wulandari and my email is . I have read the second webinar point 16.2 . The heading is Spoken and its Role in the English Language Classroom. It stated that Spoken grammar consists of the features of language that allow speakers to communicate in real-time, face-to-face situations. Regarding this topic, it is leading information for all of novices who are studying English for Second Language especially to learn English in term of conversation. speaking is Spontaneous, unplanned, produced in Real-Time, no opportunity for editing, occurs face-to-face, interactive with immediate feedback from listener, and temporary. So, why we should teach spoken grammar is to help students cope with processing information and communicating in real-time, perform important interactive, social, and communicative functions, increase students’ spoken fluency and communicative abilities. The authentic materials to teach spoken grammar is helpful students to speak as natural as possible,

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  29. Webinar 16.2
    My name is Desy Pergerina and my e-mail address is This is the 16.2 or second webinar that I watched. The tittle is Spoken and its Role in the English Language Classroom. It stated that Spoken grammar consists of the features of language that allow speakers to communicate in real-time, face-to-face situations. Spoken grammar is the rules of speaking, it consists of the features of language that allow speakers to communicate in real time, face to-face situation. There are 6 specific features in spoken grammar such as: ellipsis, heads, fillers, Phrasal Chunks, tails, and backchannels. It gives us knowledge on how to do conversing as natural as the native speaker. I also study Second Language Acquisition in which the lesson related to this spoken grammar heading. This is webinar topic is more enrich my knowledge. Thank you.

  30. Webinar 16.2
    My name is Desy Pergerina and my e-mail address is This is the 16.2 or second webinar that I watched. The tittle is Spoken and its Role in the English Language Classroom. It stated that Spoken grammar consists of the features of language that allow speakers to communicate in real-time, face-to-face situations. Spoken grammar is the rules of speaking, it consists of the features of language that allow speakers to communicate in real time, face to-face situation. There are 6 specific features in spoken grammar such as: ellipsis, heads, fillers, Phrasal Chunks, tails, and backchannels. It gives us knowledge on how to do conversing as natural as the native speaker. I also study Second Language Acquisition in which the lesson related to this spoken grammar heading. This is webinar topic is more enrich my knowledge. Thank you.

  31. My name is Tintrin Prameswati and my email address is By learning in webinar 16.2, I can get many new knowledge about spoken grammar and the role in English language classroom. I think it is useful for me, although I am English Literature Student.

  32. My name is Boma Dipta Bagaskara (
    This video is very helpful for me to learn more about the spoken grammar. It shows me about how to use the spoken grammar properly. Whether formally or informally. Because we as the second language learner are hardly to differentiate the proper use of such thing in a daily conversation.

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  34. My name is Cahyaning Familyatia. My email address is
    The Webinar 16.2 is about Spoken Grammar and its Role in the English Language Classroom. It discussed some topics such as Spoken vs. Written English, the definition of Spoken Grammar includes 6 specific features, questions about Spoken Grammar, and activities for teaching Spoken Grammar.
    After reading the topics, I know the differences between Spoken and Written English and the six specific features of Spoken Grammar (Ellipsis, Heads, Tails, Fillers, Backchannels, and Phrasal Chunks). I also know the teaching activities that can be used to teach Ellipsis, Heads, Tails, Fillers, Backchannels, and Phrasal Chunks. The purpose of teaching spoken grammar itself is to increase students’ spoken fluency. That’s why the activities should raise students’ awareness of different features of spoken grammar and the classroom activities must also encourage students to incorporate spoken grammar into their own conversations. I got some new knowledges about the differences between spoken and written grammar. Actually, it is very useful.

  35. My name is Anna Yunia and my email address is
    I have already read the webinar 6.2 from in this session discuss about “Spoken Grammar and its Role in the English Language Classroom”. This is a good discussion, firs it discuss about the different between written English vs spoken English and its example and continued by Spoken grammar. This is very important for teaching English because we will know that students are usually have a different ways to speak English especially in the country which English is the second language for them. Students may make “ the rules of spoken language,” includes Ellipsis, Heads, Tails, Fillers, Backchannels, and Phrasal Chunks. In this webinar discussion they give the example and shows us the way to teach the students by their rules of spoken language. This material help me to more understand about spoken grammar and its use. Thank you for the discussion and the material.

  36. my email adress is . From learning on webinar 16.2 , I can get many things, like learning about spoken grammar and the role in English language classroom. I also know the difference between written and spoken English. Usually I just learn about written grammar in English in my other course, but from this webinar, I can know about spoken grammar in English. I think is is useful for me, especially for future teachers, because it can teach us how to speak to our students in spoken grammar well. I'm grateful for getting these new things for my English.

  37. Hi, my name is Resti Aprilia and my email address is
    The Webinar 16.2 is about Spoken Grammar and its Role in the English Language Classroom. It discussed some topics such as Spoken vs. Written English, the definition of Spoken Grammar includes 6 specific features, questions about Spoken Grammar, and activities for teaching Spoken Grammar. After reading the topics, I know the differences between Spoken and Written English and the 6 specific features of Spoken Grammar (Ellipsis, Heads, Tails, Fillers, Backchannels, and Phrasal Chunks). I also know the teaching activities that can be used to teach Ellipsis, Heads, Tails, Fillers, Backchannels, and Phrasal Chunks. The purpose of teaching spoken grammar itself is to increase students’ spoken fluency. That’s why the activities should raise students’ awareness of different features of spoken grammar and the classroom activities must also encourage students to incorporate spoken grammar into their own conversations. Overall, I think this second webinar contains useful information about spoken grammar as well as written grammar. We, as a future English teacher, can use that information to teach spoken grammar. Hopefully, the teaching acivities used to teach spoken grammar can help students to increase their spoken fluency.

  38. My name is Ibnu Aziz and my email address is It is the second webinar, webinar 16.2 that was about spoken grammar and its role in the English language classroom. From those materials I can learn why teaching grammar are important because it will help speakers and listeners cope with processing information and communicating in real time. Then, it can increase students' spoken fluency and communicative abilities. In addition, when we want to conduct spoken grammar learning we are better using authentic materials such as videos and radio interviews, which include spoken grammar.

  39. My name is Muhammad Salafudin ( ICT 201. Webinar 16.2 is very interesting I think. It talked about spoken grammar and its role in English language class.There are some important features in spoken grammar, such as: ellipsis, heads, tails, fillers, back channels, phrasal chunks. I think that this discussion is very useful, especially for me as the student of English Department as the teacher in the future.

  40. My name is Royyan Alfiyan H and my email address is Webinar 16.2 it shows us about spoken grammar. After I read that article and slides, I can found any technique and strategies to improve my grammar in spoken. That slides give me knowledge about characteristics of spoken grammar. It’s very helpful for me and I can learn grammar in easily way.

  41. My name is Ryan Biantoro ( ICT 301. It stated that Spoken grammar consists of the features of language that allow speakers to communicate in real-time situations. Regarding this topic, it is leading information for all of novices who are studying English for Second Language especially to learn English in term of conversation. It gives us knowledge on how to do conversing as native-like.

  42. My name is Erifatul Maulidiyah and my e-mail address is The second webinar discusses about spoken and written English, spoken grammar and its specific features, questions about spoken grammar, as well as activities for teaching spoken grammar. From this Webinar, I learn about spoken grammar and its role in the English language classroom. I also learn why it is important for teachers to teach spoken grammar for the students. I think this is very useful for me. This gives me new ideas about teaching spoken grammar and clear ways how to do it.

  43. This comment has been removed by the author.

  44. My name is Irma Damayanti, my e-mail address is I have attended Webinar 16.2 it is about Spoken Grammar and its Role in the English Language Classroom. I have got several things from it. There are six features in spoken grammar (ellipsis, head, tail, fillers, return channel, and Phrasal Chunks). Each of the features of spoken grammar has its specific activity which is having different characteristic. For ellipsis we have Stand Up or Sit Down, written dialogue, Long vs. Short Conversations, Ellipsis Video, and games. There are some other tips of teaching language using the features of spoken grammar, actually. But, I can’t mention them one by one. Since this is spoken grammar it helps students become fluent in conversation. Furthermore, there are the differences between spoken and written English here so that I can recognize its differences. For example, written English is planned and prepared in advanced and there also a chance to edit and re-edit in contrast with spoken English which is spontaneous. I’m very glad for having this second webinar. Thank you

  45. My Name is Maulidya Andriani ( In the 16.2 video I got a new knowledge about Spoken and Written English. In Spoken and Written English there are less formal and more formal.

  46. My name is Friska S S Sitinjak. My email address is The second topic (16.2) of the webinar is about spoken grammar and its Role in the English Language Classroom. The first discussion was about how written and spoken differ each other. After that, it discussed about what is the spoken grammar and the spoken grammar contains 6 specific features: ellipsis, heads, tails, fillers, backchannels, and phrasal chunks. I think the topic is very useful for us who will be the teacher. It makes me learned about spoken grammar.

  47. My Name is Rizky Renaldo Patmara. Email ( )
    After Watching this Webinar 16.2, I got information about spoken grammar and its role in English Language classroom. its got some feature : Ellipsis, Heads, Tails, Fillers, Back channels and Phrasal chunks. Spoken grammar is very useful for us as a teacher in the future, it should be used by us so that our students will understand than using written grammar.

  48. My name is Amrina Afriani ( after I watching this video I got so many knowledge about Ennglishh language and also realize that English has an important part in ouur life.

  49. My name is Santika Nurcahyani (
    In the 16.2 Webinar session, I get more undertanding about spoken and written grammar in English. In Written English, it is planned (written in stages), prepared in advance (over a long period of time), chance to revise and edit, Writing is often solitary (without immediate feedback from readers), permanent. And for Spoken English there are spontaneous (unplanned), produced in Real-Time, no opportunity for editing, occurs face-to-face, interactive with immediate feedback from listener, temporary. I hope this session will make my writing and speech get better in the field of grammar.

  50. My name is Eli Priyanti ( spoken English is so important for us as an English department student.because it give us a good pronunciation

  51. My name is Nanik Wulandari and my email address is Like the first webinar, the second webinar (16.2) which the theme is “spoken grammar and its role in the English language classroom” is also great and rich of knowledge. After watching the video, I can improve my skill on English grammar. In the lecture, generally I know that grammar as the rule to make a good writing but in this webinar I can get better understanding about grammar. Actually grammar is not only a written form but also a spoken form. Therefore, I learn something new here. From this video, I can differentiate the written English and spoken English. Furthermore, I can differentiate grammar and spoken grammar. Grammar is the rules of language while spoken grammar is the rules of speaking. There are 6 specific features in spoken grammar such as: ellipsis, heads, tails, fillers, backchannels, and phrasal chunks. From this webinar, we can take benefits such as this information can help us to speak English naturally and it also helps the English teachers to improve their student’s fluency in speaking English. Thank you very much

  52. Slamet Prasojo ( The grammar that we use in spoken should be different with the written one. In this class I got the lesson of how to choose the right grammar in the right context. There is also the styles of spoken grammar that we can use in difference situation whether it is formal or less-formal.

  53. This comment has been removed by the author.

  54. my name is arienadia nijma hamida, my email address
    The next discussion in webinar 16.2 is about spoken grammar. I get a lot of information about spoken grammar and also how to teach spoken grammar to the students. There are some fun activities in teaching and learning spoken grammar in class. I like the material because the webinar present it clearly, so we can easily to understand and do the material itself.

  55. The topic really help me to improve my understanding about grammar especially in spoken form. The first discussion was about how written and spoken differ each other. After that, it discussed about what is the spoken grammar and the spoken grammar contains 6 specific features: ellipsis, heads, tails, fillers, back channels, and phrasal chunks.Spoken grammar can help students increasing their spoken fluency and communicative abilities. The materials for teaching spoken grammar must be authentic because it is not covered well in textbooks. The suggested source are: Radio Interviews, Talk Shows, and Online Videos.
