Monday, May 23, 2016

ICT Workshop

Dear students,

English Language and Literature Department, Faculty of Languages and Arts, Semarang State University invites you to take part in the ICT for Language Learning Workshop. This workshop is free for Internship Program Students (PPL Students, the Sixth Semester Students of English Dept. FBS UNNES). We  invite only 75 students. You will get a certificate from RELO Jakarta. Please enroll as fast as possible because it is very limit. Do online registration through the following link:
Have a nice workshop with us. Thanks.

Best regards,
Dr. Rudi Hartono, S.S., M.Pd.
Head of English Department

Tuesday, May 3, 2016

Digital Technology for ELL

Digital Technologies for English Language Learning
Dear students of ICT,

Today's topic is Digital Technologies for English language learning. In the modern era no one can escape from technology inventions and products. To fulfill the English education demands we also really take advantages from those technological creations, especially for English learning. Some of them are using digital technologies for English language skills practices. For further information you can read some articles in the following links:
Please try to search and practice all new technological tools and applications for your English learning activities. Good luck.

Dr. Rudi Hartono, M.Pd.